
The Remodel

It’s like a rebirth – not changing the foundation, just knocking down the walls to become more functional, perhaps more stylish, perhaps more – moreness.   Remodeling is what I tell my students they have to do when they need to restructure a rewrite – they’ve got the foundation, just need to change the size of the kitchen, or even move the front door to make the house more accessible.  Metaphors can be fun.  Some I can tell listen, others I can tell a different approach might be necessary when they hand me the same paper back for their rewrite.

But now, it’s summer – more time.  Perhaps this should be called ‘more’ – more of me out there, more movies to watch, tales to be told, and adventures to be had.  I like adventures, and here I’d like to share my writing adventures. I’m going to attending a writing seminar at my school this summer, where I’m sharing a rewrite of a script. Then there’s a steampunk novella I’ve got ideas for. Oh and the other Grad Students in the program (seven of us total) want to shoot some shorts this summer. I’m hoping to shoot the only short I’ve had published – “The Piano Bar”. I’ll create a link to share with everyone.

With the remodel, we’ve taken up the floor, and set up some frames for a buildout.  This blog I hope will be about motivation.  I need to get this train going – this ship sailing.  I’m not usually a fan of metaphors, but they seem to work here. I’m stripping everything I know out from under me and want to start anew.  Will it work? I’m not sure.  I’m nervous to fall into my old routines, but that won’t get my stories out there, it’s been proven in all the years before.

So now there’s no floor – and an outer husk of what’s to come.  Watch this space.  I’m hoping for great things.

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