Dailies, Daily blog

Back in the New York Groove

Bye Bye Utah! Bye Utah!

I love all the friends I have here and I miss them so much already! Look out for my piece I’m writing especially on Sundance, so I can expand on the films in which I saw. I’m hoping later sometime this week.

Very important, for all the young folk, to hear this song:


Anyhow, that’s right! I’m back in NYC, working at Tribeca. I’m Creds Manager here, somewhat similar to what I was doing at Sundance (sorta). But what I love here at Tribeca is there are some folks I only get to see once a year, here in NYC, as they only work the East Coast fests. Plus, two and a half months in NYC! I’ve already gone to my favorite book store, eaten at one of my favorite places, and watched a film at my favorite theatre, and I am ready for more exploring.

A majority of my first week was spent in a hotel, courtesy of an old friend’s girlfriend. It was super swanky, and I felt completely spoiled and am so grateful for that friend’s hospitality and friendship. (They still have my favorite ‘I quit’ story ever). Plus it was so close to work I could roll out of bed for it.


This year, I feel like I’ve gotten settled faster. I’ve taken a dive into some screeners, and I’ve managed to get this blog back up, after one week back!

What I’m into this week:

Watching Portrait of a Lady on Fire, dir. Celine Schiamma (2019) What a beautiful film about love and what love means. Like Marianne from Sense & Sensibility “love is to pine, to burn” that is definitely this film. The two leads were great, and Schiamma captures intimacy in the time period not often seen. Plus, anyone that can show how certain pieces of music can just bring up such emotions (I often say I hear classical music in my stomach because as a cellist, that’s about where the sound is coming from when you play- so I hear it with my whole body and it’s an emotional and moving experience just about every time) That’s a winner.

Watching Bringing Out the Dead, dir. Martin Scorsese (1999). I enjoyed this more than I anticipated, though I had heard it was underrated. I particularly liked the editing and driving shots. They make New York look so incredibly grimy too, lol. I also realized while watching this, Nic Cage reminds me of one of my best friends, Brendan.

Watching Emma., dir. Autumn de Wilde (2020) What a fun movie, and I think that all of Austen’s wit was given razor-sharp treatment, with the help of such sold direction/comedic timing, and scoring. I think a day of this, paired with Birds of Prey would have been an amazing dose of girl power.

Watching a handful of episodes of What We Do In The Shadows, 2019 (Season 1). I’ve seen the film, and I love all the things about it, just hadn’t taken the time. My new roomie was watching and I couldn’t help but watch a few myself. It’s pretty funny. And how can you go wrong with Matt Berry under Taika’s influence?

Reading All the Birds in the Sky, by Charlie Jane Anders (2016). I’m a fan of the Podcast that Anders cohosts with Annalee Newitz, Our Opinions Are Correct about Scifi and Science. So I’m glad to have picked up this book to check out, and it’s very entertaining so far. A full report once I’ve finished.

Next week is gonna be an interesting one folks! Sit tight!