Me Stuff

Hello, I’m Romana!

Here are a few things about me in listicle form:

  1. If you a Doctor Who fan, then the answer is yes, you can call me Fred.
  2. Born in San Jose, CA (so yes, I do “know the way to San Jose”)
  3. Grew up in Las Vegas, NV (but not in a hotel).
  4. I am a terribly average cellist (I mean this with a degree of silliness, but most people think it’s a criticism).
  5. My favorite movie is Amadeus.
  6. Academically, I have a BA in Film Studies, a BA in English, and an MFA in Writing for Dramatic Media (Screenwriting/Playwriting/TV Writing) all from UNLV. *Go Rebels!*
  7. I’m a former barista for the Green Apron Empire (9 1/2 years).
  8. Currently, I work the Film Festival Circuit (yes indeed, a real thing!) working around the country at various film festivals for the last four years. COVID made working live events tough, but I took most of the year to work on writing and mental health.
  9. I have, indeed, made awkward eye contact with Taika Watiti TWICE.
  10. I’ve seen the Queen Musical, We Will Rock You, a total of 6 times.
  11. Once upon a time, I wrote reviews for “Marc Gunn’s Celtic Music Magazine”, which is exactly as it sounds.
  12. My first novel was published in 2006, Lydia’s Family through iUniverse.
  13. I prefer Buster Keaton over Charlie Chaplin.
  14. My first short, “The Piano Bar” appeared in Foliate Oak Literary Magazine in March ’11, which is sadly no longer archived.
  15. I don’t like the band Rush, but I respect them as musicians.
  16. The dogs in my life currently are Ghost (a husky, aka Ghostypants), Nyx (a corgi), and Freyje (a dachshund).
  17. Currently, I’m working on a slew of projects, including a few scripts, my second novel Thorne, and my first novella The Mage of Sunset Blvd (Though it may turn into a novel).

1 thought on “Me Stuff”

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