
Why the World Doesn’t Need Superman*

Some thoughts I had while I saw Man of Steel today with my dad.

Bad News first:

– The script seemed choppy, like key plot points were forced, instead of finding a way to them organically.
– The destruction in the film seemed a little too much, especially for the ending. Metropolis was destroyed, and yet he’s just going to waltz into the Daily Planet for a job? Why are they operating like normal? Of course they could be hiring if half their staff died, shouldn’t some of them still be in a state of shock? Are they too busy pushing out stories to help with clean up?
– Why did no one say Metropolis? I saw Smallville written on things, at least they got that bit.
– I think the story was overburdened with previous superman origin stories, and wanted a different approach. Only problem is, they forgot their audience has seen them too.
– Superman always seemed like a simple story to me. Why did it need to be overburdened with so much destruction and CGI? I might have enjoyed it more if they destroyed less buildings. (They could still fight the same)
– Come on you guys!

The Good News:

– The world has discovered Henry Cavill. Who is in great form in this film. (I am a fan of The Tudors and Stardust, I saw this guy coming, but the rest of the world might not have)
– Michael Shannon. You are amazing. But do you ever smile? Call me!
– Kevin Costner as Jonathan Kent was spot on casting. I’m going to be quoting his lines to my children.
– Diane Lane! Amy Adams! Ayelet Zurer (she was Lara)!
– And could I forget Russell Crowe? No, no I couldn’t.

In conclusion, I’m completely torn as to if I liked it or not. The Screenwriter in me says ‘No! Stay back!’ but the fangirl in me says ‘Come on, you love Highlander, and it has way more issues than this’ to which I’d reply, ‘Yeah, but this doesn’t have it’s soundtrack done by Queen’. So since I can’t decide, I’ll leave you with the epic video from Highlander, “Princes of the Universe”

You’re welcome. Cheers.