
The Power Four: The Doc, The Stars, and a firefly

Or really: Doctor Who, Star Trek, Star Wars, and Firefly.  Those are what I like to call my Power Four, my favorite fandoms in the scifi universe.

I know you’re thinking it’s against nerd rules for some of these to cross-pollinate. Growing up though, the two stars were permanent fixtures in my house. Almost as if they were the foundation for all fandoms I would come across in my life.  The Next Generation ended it’s seven-year run when I was ten, and the first remastered Star Wars films returned to theatres when I was in middle school.  I didn’t bat an eye this year when I was wishing everyone a Happy Star Wars day on May the fourth (be with you) and talking about how excited I was about the new Star Trek film in theatres for my birthday weekend two weeks later.

You might also think that Firefly is relatively new to be included in a Power four that includes such heavy weights as Star Trek and Star Wars. But it’s amazing.  It is quoted regularly in my family, and I love recruiting Browncoats.

Last is Doctor Who. One thing you definitely are thinking is, ‘oh, here we go, another Doctor Who fan, probably a hipster too’, but really I’ve been a die-hard fan since I was fifteen, which is six years before Eccleston even stepped into that TARDIS ( I don’t care if you do the math). Doctor Who has also shaped my whole life – which is not melodramatic by any means. I was named after a character from the show – yes, my parents are those nerds.  I used to tell people I was named after a British Science Fiction character, but now, with the success of the new incarnation, I can easily tell Americans I was named after a Doctor Who character, and staggering amount know what I’m talking about. It’s nice, sometimes even surreal – that people actually like this mad man in a blue box just as much as I do.

So I wanted to start a section of this page about the fandoms I love. I’ll probably go into depth with each another time. Not ‘primer’s by any means, but my favorite episodes, characters, etc. I’ll also talk about other fandoms I like too, such as fantasy ones- Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter. There’s Also MST3k, Farscape, Highlander (mostly because my favorite band is Queen), and others.

Cheers for now, ❤ ❤ Romana